Honey Stinger Organic Waffle - 6-Pack reviews and deals for sale

Honey Stinger took the much-beloved texture and flavor of the stroopwafel and created something particularly for the endurance athlete. With a texture you can sink your teeth into and convenient single-serving packaging, these Organic Waffles provide the perfect mid-ride fuel. The Stinger Waffles are simultaneously toasty and chewy as you eat them. And unlike bizarre lab-born products, the natural ingredients in the Waffles chew easily and won’t create any stomach unrest when you hit that chip-seal section. Like their other energy foods, the Honey Stinger Waffles rely on honey, nature's energy food, for a majority of the carbohydrate load. The honey is easily digested because it's made of a just-right 1:1 blend of fructose and glucose, the perfect source of mid-activity carbs, so you can keep your energy up for the entire race.

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Product Specifications

Brand Honey Stinger
Category Bars
Calories [honey] 150, [gf salted caramel] 140
Servings Per Container 6
Allergens [honey] wheat, soy, egg, [gf salted caramel] soy, egg
Recommended Use nutrition

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